Sunday, 13 February 2011


If I'm being perfectly honest, this week hasn't been the greatest. It's been pretty hard. Now, I'm not a crier, which, if you know me personally, you will probably know. It takes a fair bit of rubbish-ness to get me to cry, and I've never properly cried at books or films (until this week, but still). That said, this week must have set some kind of personal best for amount of breakdowns, and, to make it worse, all of the four times were in public places. Yay me. (Note that at this moment, the part of me that is all "No! You are Magda Salvesen, and you do NOT cry, remember! You are stronger than that, stop it!" is currently sitting on my shoulder sarcastically applauding and cheering, basically calling me a wussy idiot.)

The first mini-breakdown was at this big termly Christian youth event called Vertigo that my area has... well, every term, the second at church the next evening, and the third in the middle of Christian Union at school. The third time was the worst, probably, because it came out of no where, and seemed to shock my friends quite a bit. Embarrassing. The last time doesn't really count because it wasn't for the same reason as the other three, but it did break my record of not having cried at a book or movie in at least 6 years. Long story short (the story being Kazuo Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go", I went to see the new film of it, knowing pretty much nothing about the story, and not having seen the trailer, only knowing it had Andrew Garfield (my sole reason for going), Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightly and Andrea Riseborough in it (and the guy who played Bill Weasley in the latest Harry Potter, as I later discovered), and, brilliant as the movie was, it is absolutely devastating. Last thing on the Friday of a week where I hadn't slept well and had been fairly miserable was a bit to much, and at the end of the movie I just ended up sobbing for five minutes, while my parents failed to comfort me because they were trying not to laugh at this teenage girl who seemed completely disconsolate. Sometimes, my parents really aren't very good at their jobs.

So yeah, rough week. I'm hoping the next few days will be better, but I have grade predictions, and if I don't get my personally minimum standard of 8 A*s, I'm screwed.

I also just made the decision to spend my day watching Lord of the Rings to comfort myself, and then realised I don't have seven hours to spare. 


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