Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Heroes Are Bad For My Mental Stability (If It's Possible For It To Get More Off-Kilter)

This isn't exactly about The Matrix. It's more of an insight into the female mind and a lot of raving about how much I love Neo. Those two things are linked.

I've just watched the entirety of The Matrix for the first time (don't give me that look, I've seen disjointed sections of it before, just never the whole thing. I was four when it originally came out, so it's hardly my fault). Much to the chagrin of my Twitter followers, I documented my reactions and thoughts to the entire thing. Of course, being me, I didn't bother to tweet about my observations about the underlying hints to other things, like the very obvious meaning behind naming the protagonist Neo, as it is both an anagram of 'one' (and he is The One) and means rebirth, a hint at later events in the film, and the less obvious link to the Cold War and it's way of explaining déja vu (leading us to think that we are living in the matrix as it does so). No, I did not tweet those things. Excerpts from my tweeting include "Mouse <3 " and "Kiss her! Dammit. " along with numerous quotes from the film, like "'Only human.' 'Dodge /this/.'". 

But I digress. Onto the actual topic of this post, which can be summed up in my tweet of "Neo became super manly and now I'm ridiculously attracted to him. ". Firstly I would like to state how I do not actually find Keanu Reeves (Neo, for those of you who've spent your lives in a nuclear bunker 72.37 miles below ground) that attractive. He's just not my type (I don't think I really have a type, but if I do, he's not it). That said, about two thirds of the way through the film, his character suddenly gets cool. And when it happens, it feels a little like you've stepped into a different movie, because Neo stops being this somewhat geeky 20-something that's slightly unnerved by all that's going on, dons a mahoosive black macintosh and seriously kicks some ass. Out of flipping nowhere. At this point I tweeted "I like how Neo SUDDENLY gets epic. ", but you have to believe me that when I say 'like', I mean 'like'. And here we get to the point of this all. I'm still slightly baffled by the feelings I'm going through right now, and I wish I could find an explanation for only liking someone because they have the ability to beat some serious computer-program ass. Okay, maybe that's a reason in itself. 

This feels like it's verging in the direction of me rambling about the reasons women go for the wrong type of men. So I shall try my hardest to prevent that from happening.

Talking about this has made me realise that I'm going to have to spend my life avoiding all men who could possibly get themselves into situations where they end up saving the day in a bad-ass way, due to my apparent intense attraction to men capable of saving-the-day-bad-assery. Yes, that is a word. Failure to do so will certainly end in me throwing myself at said men, and a lot of subsequent embarrassment which will then lead to me spending the remainder of my life in a nuclear bunker 72.37 miles below ground, and therefore missing out on things like the fact that Keanu Reeves plays Neo in The Matrix. 

At least it'll be warm there.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


So it's been a little bit too long since I last posted on here. But that was bound to happen. I'm a fan of spontaneity. Especially when I'm in hyperactive mode.

The thing about my hyperactive mode these days is that it isn't all that visible on the outside. Unless I let it be, of course. If that happens then I tend to do a lot of bouncing on the spot. That's probably the most obvious outward symptom. That and extreme randomosity. Anyway, as I was saying, before the sudden TANGENT ATTACK, I'm currently in internal hyperactivity mode. I'm not sure if that should be hyphenated or not. My mind is going too fast. Currently it's flicking between perfume, blogging, needing a shower, needing to go and revise, checking my phone (no new texts), checking Facebook (nothing new there, either), feeling guilty about the fact that I had two cupcakes and two large pains au chocolats for breakfast, and some song lyrics. All in about twenty seconds.

This makes me sound like I have ADHD. But I don't. At least I think I don't. I know I don't have all of it, at least. My brother has ADD, though. Which means he didn't get the results for his end of school exams that he wanted, because he couldn't bring himself to revise properly. I got the HD. Which, from my dad's side of the family, which has a history of it, means that I'm fairly likely to become a manic depressive. My parents managed to create some pretty messed up kids.

My nail varnish is peeling. ):

*scratches eyebrow*

P.S (Despite the fact that I never really ended the post properly) OH! City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare comes out in America today, meaning that my special edition copy from Barnes & Noble ships today, which means I will receive it in the next 4 to 14 days! YAY!